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12 Things That People Who Are Unemployed Deeply Understand

Finding a great employment opening that’s a perfect fit for your career aspirations:


Submitting an awesome application package on time:


Staying in a work situation that you’re way, way too overqualified for because you need the money:


Waiting for potential employers to contact you:


Getting a phone/screening interview:


Not hearing back after the phone/screening interview:


Filling out more job applications than you usually do:


Getting an in-person interview…and then getting nervous right before the interview:


Something goes wrong during the candidacy process, but you have no idea what that is:


The company tells you that they’ve decided to go with another candidate:


Getting “helpful” job-hunting advice from a relative or friend after the rejection–when you didn’t actually ask for advice:


Having to start the whole process over again while working at the job you are overqualified for: