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Where the world thinks out loud

She Will Come

Please note that an audio recording of the poem is available below

She will come
Oh, yes! She will come.
If I have to sprain an ankle,
She will come, she will come.
She makes like she won’t,
but that is just dumb.
Before the cock crows thrice,
She will come, she will come.
If I have to break a leg
Before an audience of two
If I have to break a sweat,
If I have to think out loud,
She will come, she will come,
And boy won’t I be proud.
I’ll float around laughing
Like a hatter in May,
With a Cheshire grin
That will never disappear
Her voice when she comes
Is all I’ve ever wanted to hear.
“Hello, I have come,
And now I shall go.”
Back she will come,
Inside then out,
Like a cat house with a
Revolving door.

She Will Come, Audio