Co-winner of the Cannes ’23 Golden Eye, Kaouther Ben Hania’s Four Daughters is a “fictional documentary” as compelling as it is troubling. The film stars a pious Tunisian mother named Olfa...
If you’ve read my work for a while, you probably know that knee-jerk anti-Americanism amuses me greatly as someone who’s lived in many different places and is American by choice. It’s easy to...
Maps of Venezuela show the Essequibo with oblique stripes, indicating that it is a disputed area. Some of these maps even obviate the nearly 160 square kilometers of land between Venezuela and...
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share the slow, thoughtful, considerate words that our brains - and souls - need but that it's easy to miss in our busy world. We distil the best of the web and...
Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Leeds Business Podcast. Sum up your podcast in...
Next Thursday, November 21 is Rocky Balboa's 47th birthday and it is the ideal time to remember the most valuable lessons we can learn from him. On November 21, 1976, the world was introduced to...
Ho ho ho! The holiday season is finally here and it boasts over 100 new movies. As is tradition, TV networks and streaming sites ( such as Netflix, Hallmark, Disney Plus, etc.) are jam-packed with...
Across the world, communities are facing multiple crises, all at once, and as long as we look at each issue as separate and unrelated, we will fail to adequately address any of them. The reality is...
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share the slow, thoughtful, considerate words that our brains - and souls - need but that it's easy to miss in our busy world. We distil the best of the web and...
A Jewish friend who has long worked to normalize relations between Israelis and Palestinians was recently confronted with the sight of her daughter sobbing at the bus stop after being dropped off...