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Podcast Showcase: Flip the Switch

Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Flip the Switch.

Sum up your podcast in three sentences

“Flip the Switch” is a podcast & movement challenging societal norms by celebrating individuals with multifaceted talents, rejecting societal labels, and promoting meaningful careers that break free from conventional standards.

Each week Shana speaks to a pioneer of the portfolio career who is pursuing all their goals at once. Born out of Shana’s personal story of living a double life, Shana followed the traditional Law route that a “good South Asian” should, but deep down wanted to be a dance DJ.

Who is your ideal listener? Who loves your show?

Disrupters, freelancers, side hustlers; anyone who is taking power back into their own hands in their career.

Our guests are career chameleons, and our listeners are too. We cover a plethora of topics in 30-45 minute episodes spanning authenticity, personal brand, identity, culture, mental health, burnout and self discovery.

What made you start this podcast?

I’ve grown up living a double life for over a decade. I was jokingly called a real-life Hannah Montana because at University I studied a Law degree by day, but was a dance DJ by night.

I now proudly embrace my multi-faceted identity hyphens: social impact investor-entrepreneur-DJ-marketeer-innovator-radio presenter-podcaster.

I want Flip the Switch to be a celebration of multi-hyphenates who refuse to blend in, and instead choose to “blend out” by being their authentic selves. You don’t need to be a celebrity either to claim this title. Whether you’re defying norms of your traditional culture or living unapologetically, I believe the podcast can build confidence for others to explore a portfolio, non-traditional career and live unapologetically.

What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?

  1. Hidden gems: I’ve learnt that every guest’s journey isn’t all as shiny and exciting as their bios initially suggest. Most of the time, their drive for success comes from something deeper. There can be a survival mentality with marginalised communities to be successful, and subsequently involves a process of unlearning norms and mentalities that we’re told as long as time.
  2. Blend it like Beckham: Being a mix of cultures or social groups is ultimately our strength and I aim to bring that out with every guest. We are seeing such a movement with industries and genres cross-pollinating and it’s about time our careers and general life did the same.
  3. Passion over profit: Following your passion is a continuous theme I see in every guest. They put community over everything and foster inclusive cultures that bravely carve out new narratives.

What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?

I’ve felt continually inspired by my weekly guests which makes me so happy. I was always quite nervous about launching the podcast because it feels quite niche, but what I’ve started to realise is that so many people can relate to it, and I really hope there’s a long journey ahead.

What I dislike is the feeling of constantly being behind, as soon as you’ve finished a shoot, you have to plan for the next one. But I love the creative aspect of the production, and getting to speak to my creative icons is a major plus as there’s so many fangirl moments.

If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?

Bodalia, a doctor & DJ. This was the first proper one with a live audience, and it was such a great episode. He’s such an impressive guest with his first DJ gig being Tomorrowland Festival!

We cover being south Asian and the pressure to be a doctor or lawyer, mental health to leveraging and taking back control of your career.

Which other podcasts do you love listening to?

  • On Purpose by Jay Shetty
  • Feel Better Live More by Dr Chatterjee
  • Berner Phone by Hannah Berner

If people want to find you online, where can they do so?


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