Global Comment

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How to ACTUALLY save money while traveling


I’m cheap, but I love to travel. Because of this, I have read a lot of articles about how to travel the world on a budget and have come across my fair share of terrible tips, along with a few good ones. Here are a few things that I would keep in mind when traveling to another country.

To Taxi or to Train?

The most common advice I read is that to save money, instead of taking a taxi, take the train. Well… It depends on a lot of things and here’s why. When I was in Europe, I decided to take the train because taking a taxi anywhere cost me $200. Besides, I take the train in America and how different can riding a train be, right? Wrong. Their train system is very different from ours. Reading their maps became a big challenge and I ended up missing my train, taking numerous trains in the wrong direction and overall, missing my paid tour. In the end, I lost money.

Taking the train is best for days that you decide to walk around town and just leisurely explore the area. I will say that taking the train did make me feel less of a tourist and more ingrained in their society because I was able to see more of what the average person looked like and I was able to overhear snippets of people’s everyday conversation.

Go Out To Eat Once A Day

Another tip that people have told me is to only eat one meal a day at a restaurant to save money. If you plan it right, you can have free breakfast at your hotel. If you’re not staying at a hotel that serves free breakfast, go to the store and buy a couple snack items like granola bars to lug around with you throughout the day.

When I do vacations, I try to plan one tour a day. Usually tours go for most of the day, and because of this will provide lunch. This way, you can focus more on exploring throughout the day, and then sit down and relax with a nice, big dinner, or do this in reverse. Start your day with a big, local breakfast before heading out to explore.

One thing you’ll definitely want to buy no matter where you go is bottled water! If you’re on a tour that requires long times in a bus and/or lots of walking, you will want water. This way, you don’t have to waste time waiting in a line at whatever tourist destination you’re at, only to buy a bottled water whose price has been jacked up. Staying hydrated can also help you feel more refreshed, alert and help you stay healthy as you explore new destinations.

Research, Research, Research

You don’t have to see the very pricey, very common tourist attractions that everybody sees. There’s the clichéd but still beautiful Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China, but by doing research or by talking to locals, you can find the special places that will allow you to tell a different story that most people don’t know.

Doing research also allows you to know which foods to avoid buying. For instance, some countries sell unpasteurized dairy products or bush meat, which can be hard for our bodies to adapt to, and sometimes unsafe. There was this hilarious Reddit thread that I read about Thailand, warning tourists to stay away from an alcoholic drink that was in a bucket. Many Thailand visitors posted their horror stories about getting these bucket drinks and passing out and waking up on sidewalks with horrible hangovers, some even being hit by mopeds.

Another reason to do research, besides saving yourself from passing out on a sidewalk and being hit by a moped, is finding FREE attractions. Doing a simple Google check can reveal free or cheaper attractions in the area you will be staying in. For instance, all of Canada’s national parks, national historic sites, and national marine conservation areas operated by Parks Canada are free of charge. According to the South China Morning Report, “About 90 per cent of all the museums in China are free.”

Go Off-Season!

This is honestly one of the best pieces of advice I can really give you. Why would you want to go when everybody else is going? The airfare and hotel prices will be jacked up and the tourist attractions will be packed.

Image credit: Image by Jan Vašek


One thought on “How to ACTUALLY save money while traveling

  1. Go off season is very effective advice. It will save you money for almost everything like traveling, staying and shopping. You can get a complete cheap package.

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