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How will you age? Science and life teach us some lessons

Jamie Lee Curtis and Helen Mirren

When actress Helen Mirren, 77, let her hair grow out during pandemic lockdown, she just loved the idea of having long hair again like when she was in her 20s. She dropped the rules, apparently set in stone, that say women of a ‘certain age’ can only have short haircuts as we get older.

“I thought, do you know what, it’s pretty cool, I think I’ll stick with it for a little while. It will come off eventually,” Mirren said. “But I’m kind of enjoying it, it’s quite radical.”

When, in February this year, she showed up on the red carpet with her beautiful silver hair below her shoulders, she made headlines. For many, the look is refreshing among celebrities, while others continue to point fingers at women who dare to look the way they want.

What is the age limit?

We are advancing every minute of our lives. And if we put limitations on what’s appropriate for our age, we’ll probably stop enjoying the journey.

So, if you want to, let your hair grow, enjoy your gray hair, love your wrinkles and celebrate every year of life, because guess what? You’ll keep moving forward whether you want to or not, it’s part of life.

It’s not just your physique that ages

Science fiction has presented a radical answer: stop aging. Many people’s dream! However, scientists have been working on quality of life for better overall health, which makes the most sense.

Unfortunately, a positive attitude towards the aging process does not guarantee that things will go well. Not everything depends on your disposition, there are decisive factors that can help you know how you will age, such as genetics and lifestyle.

So, you should not only think about how you will look, but also about your physical health.

The keys according to science

A 2022 study conducted in Canada identified the keys to optimal aging. According to the researchers, certain lifestyle factors are linked to good health in old age such as physical activity, smoking and sleep quality.

“By understanding factors associated with successful aging, we can work with older adults, families, practitioners, policymakers and researchers to create an environment that supports a vibrant and healthy later life,” said the researchers.

There are different lifestyle actions you can take that contribute to a better health and aging process. If you want to live longer and healthier, you can try:

  • Healthy nutrition
  • Exercising frequently
  • Keeping your mind active
  • Getting proper rest
  • Maintaining strong social relationships
  • Taking care of your mental health

However, the answer for everyone is not the same. Sometimes we’re talking about genetics or other factors that affect the way your body ages.

The scientific explanation of brain and biological aging

Have you ever wondered why we all age differently? Two studies from 2022 are answering some of the questions:

The brains of some older people may have larger nerve cells in parts responsible for memory. According to ongoing research, the brains of the elderly in the study don’t reflect their 80-plus years, but instead function like those of 50 year olds.

Another study has found that there are greater risks of dying if biological age is older than chronological age. The aging of organs, cells and tissues, and differences in genetics, lifestyle responses and sleep quality can predict life expectancy according to the study.

Embrace your age

As you follow the recommendations of doctors and scientists to take care of your health and feel better every birthday, you can take inspiration from these eight women who have defied stereotypes — trying not to judge by appearances:

  • “If we’re lucky, we’re all going to age.” – Drew Barrymore.
  • “This word ‘anti-aging’ has to be struck. I am pro-aging. I want to age with intelligence and grace and dignity and verve and energy.” – Jamie Lee Curtis.
  • “I think spending a little bit more time being yourself and a little bit more time around things that make you happy—if that’s a cupcake, it’s a cupcake; if that’s your friends, it’s your friends.” – Gabrielle Union.
  • “It almost feels as if people don’t want us to be perfectly okay with where we are…whether we choose to age naturally and not look perfect, or whether you do something if that makes you feel better. I know what I look like. I have no choice. What am I going to do about it? Stop aging? Disappear?” – Sarah Jessica Parker.
  • “There’s so much judgment inherent in the term ‘aging gracefully.’ Is there an ungraceful way to age? We don’t have an option of course. No one has an option about aging, so it’s not a positive or a negative thing, it just is.” – Julianne Moore.
  • “I’m going to turn 50 just like I turned 30, except you know, my knees are a little different. I’m not going to buy into my career is over, or, life for me is over, or sexy is over, or I shouldn’t wear this. I’m going to do what I feel.” – Taraji P. Henson.
  • “Aging is so far really fun and so much changes. You do feel more confident.” – Kate Winslet.
  • “You die young, or you get older. There is nothing in between! You may as well enjoy it,” – Helen Mirren.

Image credits: Gage Skidmore and Elena Ternovaja