Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to The Art of Decluttering.
Sum up your podcast in three sentences
Industry leaders and Professional Organisers, Amy Revell & Kirsty Farrugia bring you The Art of Decluttering podcast.
We have a passion to transform the world through intentional living by equipping people to clear the clutter in their heads, hearts and homes.
Our style is conversational, informative and we love having a good laugh together.
Who is your ideal listener? Who loves your show?
Overwhelmed and busy women who are ready to simplify their lives.
What made you start this podcast?

We live in different cities in Australia and wanted to share our love of decluttering with as many people as possible.
What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?
That decluttering and organising is so much more than about just dealing with your possessions. We’ve learnt that decluttering affects your head, heart and home in so many ways.
What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?
We love it! We have received international success and have to date had more than 2.2 million listens. Our listener community is amazing and we love hearing from them as they listen to the show. The editing process isn’t our favourite part, we outsource it!
6. If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?
Which other podcasts do you love listening to?
Two Peas in a Podcast, Mamamia Outloud, and The Squizz.
If people want to find you online, where can they do so? Drop your links here (social media, podcast subscription, etc.)
- www.theartofdecluttering.com.au/
- www.facebook.com/artofdecluttering
- www.theartofdecluttering.com.au/podcast/
Read the rest of our Podcast Showcases here and find your new listening addiction from among our features!
Do you have a podcast that could be showcased in this spot? Email editor@globalcomment.com with more details.
Image credit: Icons8 Team