Global Comment

Worldwide voices on arts and culture

Global Comment’s Book Club: May 2024

Summer vacations will soon be starting in some parts of the world and many parents struggle with planning their kids’ free time. If you are one of them and want to have a list of good reading books for children, we’re here to bring you some of the best ones, which will surely start to stimulate the imagination and eagerness to read of the little ones at home.

If you don’t have kids, but enjoy books rich in imagination, here are new reads for you, too. We don’t judge, we also love them!

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick

Children’s historical fiction/ Graphic novel

Published: 2007

Pages: 524

Author’s nationality: USA

The reading experience within this book is unique, due to its hybrid format of narrative and visual art. Brian Selznick creates a magical world that explores friendship, the importance of dreams and a passion for creativity.

The text and illustrations bring emotion and beauty that pay homage to the pioneers of cinema and the magic of imagination.

Who’d like this?

From graphic novel lovers to movie enthusiasts, this novel offers an enriching experience for those seeking a powerful combination of storytelling, adventure and art.


“In that moment, the machinery of the world lined up. Somewhere a clock struck midnight, and Hugo’s future seemed to fall perfectly into place.”

Readers say

“I simply have never had this experience before. No book I’ve read has ever combined graphics as part of the actual movement of the story… as vehicles themselves to carry the story forward,” says an Amazon user.

Anne of Green Gables, L. M. Montgomery

Children’s fantasy novel

Published: 1908

Pages: 464

Author’s nationality: Canadian

This novel is a classic that will remain in readers’ memories forever. The charming story narrates Anne’s adventures in her new home in a small town in Canada. Anne’s lively, passionate nature and overflowing imagination win the hearts of everyone in the town — and especially the hearts of the readers.

Who’d like this?

Everyone who wants an optimistic, uplifting and heartwarming read. The inspiring story has deeply resonated with many readers who appreciate the timeless charm of the piece and the way Anne sees the beauty of the world around her.


“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

Readers say

“The story itself is a must read for any girl or woman looking for a good wholesome story,” says an Amazon user.

Lilus Kikus, Elena Poniatowska

Children’s short stories

Published: 1954

Pages: 137

Author’s nationality: Mexican

The collection of stories with a poetic and playful style addresses childhood, identity and the search for freedom from the perspective of an intelligent and curious girl.

Lilus Kikus explores her dreams through innocence, imagination and courage, while raising a critical voice for the social expectations of the adult world around her.

Who’d like this?

Lilus Kikus has a universal theme and a unique literary style. Poniatowska is a pioneer in Mexican feminist literature, she encourages reflection and reevaluation of gender roles and imposed social norms.

Parents who want to address issues of identity, female experiences and the struggle for gender equality will find a fresh perspective in the tales.


“She can’t even think anymore, she prefers to sing.”

Readers say

“Simply amazing,” says an Amazon user.

The Neverending Story, Michael Ende

Children’s fantasy novel

Published: 1979

Pages: 443

Author’s nationality: German

Bastian lives an epic adventure while trying to save Fantastica, a magical land with mythical creatures, where he as a reader has an essential role in his destiny.

This book has become a classic work of young adult literature for its rich narrative, memorable characters and profound themes that connect the importance of imagination, the power of believing in yourself, the way to face your fears and the relationship between reality and fantasy.

Who’d like this?

All those who want to dive into a truly magical world where the mind’s capacity to create and dream is appreciated.


“There are many kinds of joy, but they all lead to one: the joy to be loved.” 

Readers say

“I bought the book for my children but I couldn’t help myself and am reading it again. I read it as a child and saw the film and it’s just as beautiful as I remember it,” says an Amazon user.