"The Damned, Blood on the Snow" is the previous installment of Chloe Bradshaw's saga. "I'm not dead," my brother says. "Though you did injure me on Vinson Massif.” He shows me a scar on his...
"The Damned, In the Heart of Ice" is the previous installment of Chloe Bradshaw's saga. “How did you think it would end up?” I ask my enemy, my brother. “I asked my people to warn you. I...
"The Damned, To the South" is the previous installment of Chloe Bradshaw's saga. I remember Antarctica as a desolate place, and also the most beautiful. The sun shines down upon the five of us as we...
The previous installment of young Chloe Bradshaw's saga can be found here. Some months have now passed. Many a human has been transformed into a Demon. We find willing humans, turn them, teach them...
The previous installment of young Chloe Bradshaw's saga can be found here. “You have come to this new world in a time of war” I tell my new Demon recruit. “War, what do you mean? There is no...
The previous installment of teenage Chloe Bradshaw's dark tale is here. “Wow, that would be amazing,” Travis responds to my offer of eternal life quickly, but immediately looks the floor,...
The previous installment of teenage Chloe Bradshaw's dark tale is here. I bring out my sword. The metal of the blade reflects light into my companion's eyes. I give him a malicious smile before...
The previous installment of thirteen-year-old Chloe Bradshaw's tale is here. "Don’t worry about me.” I say as I walk toward our den, in the direction of the screams. “Marius, have you brought...
The previous installment of Chloe Bradshaw's tale is here. We, the Demons, came to this world like this: Thousands of years ago, there were Angels. They were the guardians of the world, when...
Chloe Bradshaw is thirteen. This is her second publication with GlobalComment. I have arrived in a house under cover of darkness. I can feel the hunger overwhelming me as I crawl upon the ceiling. I...