Senior Film Writer Mark Farnsworth teaches Film in East London and is currently working on two screenplays, The Mysteries and Fair Access. He also writes the Oh/Cult section for
We’re stalking down a smart Parisian street flanked by trees. Thunder and lightning rip through the night sky like the by-product of a supernatural visit. We veer off the street towards a theatre,...
What if in this age of austerity all the modernist homes of the urban intelligentsia were actually spacecraft? What if these chameleon constructs were housing the agents of bourgeois gentrification?...
What came first, the documentary or the wedding video? Doug Block has been filming weddings for the best part of two decades to support his work as a documentarian. It’s well paid but Doug tries to...
Before the Internet stole our ability to dream, school kids looked in wonder through the pages of beautifully illustrated textbooks, littered with hundreds of scientific predictions by 1970s...
In a house in San Francisco, Sam Brody, a 5 year old boy who dreams of dinosaurs. Waking from his slumber we see the cause of his phantoms, toy models that dominate the foreground of the shot. It...
Harold Shand is dead. We always knew it in our hearts when the future James Bond drove him off at gunpoint. We always knew it but we couldn’t quite believe. Men like Shand don’t die. They...
Where do transatlantic beasts like Tom Hardy retreat to at night to escape the glare and glower of Hollywood? Which low budget vehicle will he squeeze into to prove his muscular acting prowess? In...
Has Scarlett Johansson ever felt at ease in her own skin? That fashionable, gawky frame, part siren, part nerd, those lips propelling her clipped New York accent so considered and efficient. Like all...
What are these “Unstable Elements” and why are they lurking in Belarus? Are they housed in nuclear warheads misappropriated after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Is there a race against time to...
Writing about an award ceremony when the world has bigger fish to fry does seem a little crass. Russian troops have fired warning shots at Crimea’s Belbek airbase and Kunming City in China is still...