If you’re a horror fan like me — with normal friends and family, who won’t jump at the chance to see a tale of terror with you on the big screen — I have some good news. Longlegs is now...
Years ago, in a swampy D.C. summer., I got the chance to interview Lev Grossman about The Bright Sword, which was then a book in progress. I had been enthralled by Lev’s Magicians trilogy, and the...
Call me a snob, but I don’t think people should be commenting on the style in which the French host their Olympics if they don’t know who Joan of Arc was, or, for that matter, what kind of songs...
Since my father died, I will occasionally sit down and re-watch some of his favorite movies (and usually force my son to do so as well. He complains about everything being “vintage,” but he...
Of all the stupid things I regularly do to myself in the name of morbid curiosity, watching House of the Dragon is definitely up there. Considering how pathetically Game of Thrones ended, you’d...
Dearest gentle reader, I have a confession to make: I love Bridgerton. Bridgerton is the television equivalent of a macaron. Although it’s billed as a “historical romance,” we all know what...
We often talk about what it means to live in a “post-truth world,” but what’s really interesting is when your life becomes an honest-to-God case study. This week, a military friend of mine...
Millions of nerds everywhere have been graced with a Prime Video adaptation of the Fallout games and it’s a total blast (pun fully intended, and yes, the Guardian writer linked here used it too —...
The Francis Scott Key Bridge has collapsed in neighboring Baltimore after a tragic accident — and social media is full of conspiracy theories. Twitter (I refuse to call it X) is particularly awash...
During my senior year of college, I taught a half-credit house course on Russian culture with some good friends. At that point in my life, I was still trying to fit in with my Russian relatives, the...