At the end of each season of "Survivor," the power shifts to the jury, which is filled with castaways that have been eliminated. Their votes determine who gets selected as the winner of the game. At...
Despite the odds, the Foa Foa four managed to outwit Galu and they are now in charge of the game. Unlike Galu, they stood by each other. As they head into the final days, the question is: at what...
On day thirty, power had clearly gotten to Russell’s head. He decided to tell Mick that he owns an oil company in Houston, which netted him 1.7 million dollars last year. Earlier in the game, if...
Slavery is one of the worst crimes that we can commit against one another. No country is free of its stain. In the United States, its legacy still haunts African Americans and stands as a wedge...
This week, “Survivor” returned after a short hiatus for Thanksgiving. After convincing Shambo to vote with them at the last tribal council, the Foa Foa four found themselves in the lead. The...
At the age of twenty-one, Tiger Woods won the Masters Tournament, and never had the African American community been so excited about golf. Nike built its advertising campaign around this exuberance...
"Precious," based on the novel Push by Sapphire, tells the tale of Claireece "Precious" Jones, an illiterate, dark skinned, fat, Black teenager who is a survivor of physical, emotional and sexual...
Despite the advances of modern science, we live in a world that remains captivated by the occult. We have put a man on the moon, cured many diseases that were once deadly, and live in a time of such...
On this week's episode, going into the merge, the numbers were not in favour of the former members of Foa Foa. Their only hope was to exploit any existing tensions in the former Galu tribe. This...
The last episode of "Survivor Samoa" ended with a vicious blindside when the newly merged tribe voted out Erik. It was the first time this season that the women have gone on the offensive after being...