Three mysterious women and a heinous murder form the narrative framework of Paula Hawkins' new thriller. A Slow Fire Burning is an agile and harrowing story that is sustained with quality until the...
Neurosurgeons are often faced with thorny decisions. Although surgeries are usually meticulously calculated, there will always be latent risks and dangers. Once in the brain, doctors explore an organ...
The Year of Magical Thinking is a touching yet distant book, an exhaustive reflection on illness, death, and the need for mourners to reconstruct the meaning of their own existence. In it, journalist...
The revolution in Tunisia didn't spread through social media alone. Along with the internet, young Tunisians chose the street walls to express hope and rage. “The first sign of the 2010/2011...
When it comes to art and literature, when does sharing becomes over-sharing? Is there a way to set ethical boundaries in very personal pieces of literature, like memoirs? And how to go about...
Klara and the Sun is the first novel by writer Kazuo Ishiguro since being awarded the Nobel Prize in 2017. It is a dystopian science fiction story that delves into the meaning of love, loneliness,...
In her first novel, director and screenwriter Won-pyung Sohn tells the challenging story of Soon Yunjae, who has been diagnosed with alexithymia. This condition is a rare emotional deficiency that...
The young Frenchman Simon Limbeau is the eldest son of Marianne and Sean. Since he was a child, he has had a wild, carefree and somewhat cat-like soul. At 19 years old, he is devouring his youth and...
During the course of our lives, we have to face countless losses. Each and every one of us must face death and walk the difficult path of grief and healing. In the landmark book On Grief and...
This review contains details of child abuse that may be upsetting to read. The French have been deeply shaken and scandalized by the publication of Vanessa Springora's book Consent. In her literary...