Speaking of resurrections, let's talk about funerals in media. Admittedly, this isn't something that's on my mind constantly. It wasn't really until I started catching up on SyFy's latest original...
Flip or Flop: Nashville premiered on HGTV on January 18. I would know, I was there. Rather, I was invited to a swanky premier party for it. In a Mercedes-Benz parking lot. The appetizers included hot...
You know who needs black superheroes? Black people. I know, it's terribly obvious. People of color are the ones that need positive representation of us the most. That should be obvious but there is...
I was excited about Netflix’s Grace and Frankie from the moment I heard about it in late 2014. If you haven’t watched the show, it is a dramedy featuring Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston...
So, Westerns are seen as rather cheesy these days, right? Just something your dad made you watch on sick days or Saturday afternoon on local cable? Well, as it turns out we may have all been sleeping...
Before Star Trek: Discovery premiered, Michelle Yeoh’s accent received some attention. Soon after the release of a trailer, people started talking about the fact that Yeoh, a Chinese-Malaysian...
I've been an avid Sundance Channel watcher for many years, for better or for worse. From the good old cinephile-focused days to the current, slightly more commercial with a hint of edgy times, I feel...
Diversity in film, television, and theater is both incredibly simple and incredibly complicated. On the one hand, it seems like a no-brainer. Cast an actor that corresponds to the race of the...
It's hard to believe that season seven of Game of Thrones is over. Season 7, Episode 7 – 'The Dragon and The Wolf' was filled with surprises and revelations we had hoped were true. It also...
The moment we’ve all been waiting for between Jon and Dany happened during Game of Thrones on Sunday. In an episode filled with very important events, little compared to the moment when...