Directed by Dave Boyle, House of Ninjas is a Japanese series co-produced by Netflix and TOHO Studios. Based on a story by Kento Kaku, Takafumi Imai and Yoshiaki Murao, the non-English speaking show...
Welcome to another Global Comment monthly preview in which we take a look at the best TV and streaming series that will be premiering in the coming weeks. Heading into May, a host of TV projects will...
Millions of nerds everywhere have been graced with a Prime Video adaptation of the Fallout games and it’s a total blast (pun fully intended, and yes, the Guardian writer linked here used it too —...
Every April 22 every year, International Mother Earth Day is celebrated. The purpose of Earth Day is to raise awareness and support for the protection of the environment and biodiversity. The first...
April is just around the corner, which means there are plenty of exciting releases to sink your teeth into. Big-name stars like Colin Farrell, Julianne Moore, Nicholas Galitzine, Michael Douglas,...
Looking for a juicy new TV series for the month of March? Wondering when your favorite series are coming back? We've got you covered. As we do every month, we have prepared an audiovisual guide with...
Maya Lopez, aka Echo, stands out from the crowd for being the first Cheyenne-Latin American in the Marvel universe. Conceived by David Mack and Joe Quesada, the fearless native made her debut in...
The fourth installment of HBO’s (I refuse to call it Max, I grew up with HBO, I’m an older woman now, get off my lawn) True Detective is already the most watched season in the show’s history...
I recently finished the second season of Reacher on Prime, and while not having read Lee Child’s books based on the character Jack Reacher, I have really appreciated the ethos of the show. A lot of...
It's hard to believe, but January slipped away incredibly quickly and February is already on the horizon. If you're wondering what series you should you watch, or what the most anticipated returns on...