Created by the prolific David E. Kelley and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Presumed Innocent is now available on Apple TV+ and has exploded the platform's ratings. In August 1987, a young and unknown...
True crime series like Netflix’s Worst Roommate Ever and Worst Ex Ever seem exploitative on the surface. I mean, just look at the titles! Obviously, they’re meant to appeal to the lowest common...
It's that time in the month when we point out the unmissable shows coming up streaming platforms and TV networks, and the schedule is jam-packed this September. If you're looking for something brand...
My Lady Jane. Schmigadoon. American Born Chinese. Our Flag Means Death. Halo. Outer Range. Uncoupled. NCIS: Hawai’i. Primo. Not Dead Yet. Each and every one of these shows has been cancelled...
There was a time in Mexican history when Francisco Jorge Stanley Albaitero, popularly known as “Paco Stanley”, was one of the most loved and admired figures in and out of the entertainment...
It's safe to say that our obsession with TV series isn't going to subside anytime soon. Lucky for us, August 2024 brings an amazing feast of audiovisual genres to the small screen, and we couldn't be...
Hi, and welcome to Great Adaptations, a new monthly column here at Global Comment. I'm Kate, and I write a book recommendations newsletter called Five Books For (FBF) over on Substack, where we...
Of all the stupid things I regularly do to myself in the name of morbid curiosity, watching House of the Dragon is definitely up there. Considering how pathetically Game of Thrones ended, you’d...
By all accounts, this will be another busy month of new titles and returning hits. Whether you're looking for a hilarious comedy, an intense drama, or a mysterious thriller, July boasts one of the...
Dearest gentle reader, I have a confession to make: I love Bridgerton. Bridgerton is the television equivalent of a macaron. Although it’s billed as a “historical romance,” we all know what...