It used to be that, to get hold of the morning-after pill, you had to get a prescription from your GP or go to a Family Planning Clinic or A&E (that genuinely was the advice; A&E must have...
Let me spare us all a lengthy debate: The people warning us against war with Iran are wrong. There are many reasons why they are wrong, but I have come up with a list of the biggest ones. You are...
For most of the month of April, every time I turned onto the news or logged onto some social media platform, I saw something about Extinction Rebellion (or Brexit, but I think everyone has had it up...
It’s looking increasingly likely that Boris Johnson will be the next British Prime Minister. You know the one, a jolly fellow who is a bit of a clown and is game for a laugh? Funny chap, bit...
In recent weeks large parts of northern Iraq and northeastern Syria have been consumed by flames. Tens-of-thousands of acres of croplands have been burned, threatening agriculture in both regions....
Five years after its foundation, the Eurasian Economic Union exists only on paper. Although the member state leaders are constantly trying to portray the EAEU as a counter balance to the European...
In the last edition of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Drezner takes a long-view approach to analyzing the “current angst” over President Trump’s foreign policy approach. He writes: “Although...
In mid May 2019, the centre right Liberal National Coalition defeated the centre left Labor Party in a general election held in Australia. It was a win that surprised everyone, even the governing...
The Federal Reserve isn’t often as politicized as it is today. The last two years have seen the near-nomination of two know-nothings, Stephen Moore and Herman Cain, to the Federal Open Market...
Britain was technically supposed to have left the EU by now. As it is, due to a series of messy negotiations and failed votes, we’re still very much European (thank the Lord) and, as a result, we...