This is an interview with a Guatemalan resident of Lynn, Massachusetts. For safety reasons, his name has been changed to Sebastian Martinez. This interview recounts Sebastian’s experiences...
The radical socialist roots of International Women’s Day—which falls this year on Wednesday, March 8—have troublingly given way to a corporate-sponsored “holiday” that has its own...
Since the election, many have lamented the psychic pain that now comes with following the news. Turning on CNN or opening a Twitter feed has become a trial to be endured. Like others, I’ve...
The metrics behind a tipping point have always fascinated me. At what point does an online video qualify as having ‘gone viral’? At what point in the cooking process does the fruit go from...
Populism can run in a variety of directions, with a variety of unexpected results, as American Republicans are learning to their chagrin at the moment. But were those results really so unexpected?...
As we witness the American slide into fascism, it’s tempting to draw parallels to Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany is the fascist government that Americans are most familiar with — we study World War...
India in festival season is always riotous, but it’s a carefree sort of riotousness — firecrackers in the streets, people dancing in their best clothes, street parades, giant effigies of...
Tahrir, Thaksim, Maidan. Hundreds of thousands are protesting around the world. From Tunisia to Thailand, from Ukraine to Egypt, governments are overthrown. The images resemble each other. What do...
Discussions of violent versus nonviolent resistance usually revolve around morality. This framing leads to further demonization of marginalized people while remaining generally unhelpful. Violence is...
Living in the south of France in the late 1990s, I was surrounded by the burgeoning popularity of le Front national, a far-right political party founded and led by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le Pen was an...