The night after the US election, retired lawyer Teresa Shook created a Facebook Event for a protest in Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration. The next morning, she woke up to find that...
Warsaw. Castle Square. October 3, 2016. This picture shows one of many protests that gathered that day in Poland and across the globe. #CzarnyProtest — meaning literally the Black...
The alt-right is engaging in a concerted campaign to modernize and mainstream Nazi beliefs. The Nazi beliefs of the ‘30s and ‘40s were appealing to many people of their time. This was an era when...
The US healthcare system puts the fear of God into many Brits, especially those who are disabled or chronically ill and deal with healthcare providers on a regular basis. The thought that your...
People the world over are rejecting the legitimacy of liberal democracy, hardening themselves against ‘enemies’, retreating to the security of their tribe, and placing faith in populist leaders...
What would you pay to live forever? OK, dumb question. How about, what would you pay for a long, healthy life? Or, if you can imagine the Grim Reaper already hard on your doorstep, what would you pay...
The last hope of overturning the election result has been shattered with the “failsafe” of the Electoral College going to Trump. Sure, there were faithless electors, but the vast majority of them...
In the final days of the Obama Administration and current Federal Communications Commission, commissioners covered a number of business items, including a brush with license revocation for Pacifica...
The Democratic Party needs to have tough conversations about race. But we can’t, because white people are too sensitive. “Not all white people are racist.” “When you stereotype white people,...
It isn’t a coincidence that Germany suffered a terrorist attack right as Angela Merkel is facing a serious re-election battle. This will make her campaign more difficult for her, which is exactly...