“The worst is over,” said Minister of Finance Brian Lenihan on 9 December on the presentation of the 2010 Budget. It is actually truly astounding that the Irish Government believes that the worst...
Professor Homa Katouzian is an specialist on Iran, teaching at the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Oxford. Trained as an economist, Dr. Katouzian has a broad range of interests...
The global economy seems to have climbed down off the ledge where it was perched for the last part of 2008 and beginning of 2009, teetering precariously on the verge of falling. Newspapers trumpet...
I've seen a focus in the United States on mass political action in the past year like nothing I've seen in my lifetime. From the huge crowds at Barack Obama's campaign rallies and the unprecedented...
Though the models of Playboy are often depicted as cartoonish and over-the-top, the magazine is now taking this one step further: Marge Simpson is posing for the magazine. On Friday, newsstands in...
Glenn Greenwald, the Salon blogger known as much for his stinging critiques of the corporate media as he is for his passionate defense of civil liberties, highlighted this New York Times story about...
Lyndon Johnson famously said, after Walter Cronkite's criticism on air of his adventures in Vietnam, “If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America.” Soon after, Johnson announced that he would...
For the past ten years the Irish government has spent public money with the financial acumen of a five year old in a sweet shop. Salaries soared. Public servants scaled the career ladder with...
In his new book, The Anti-Globalisation Breakfast Club: Manifesto for a Peaceful Revolution, Laurence Brahm, an ex-lawyer who worked closely with many East Asian governments during their economic...
During the election of 2008, the McCain campaign portrayed Barack Obama as a celebrity with very little substance. The liberal left fought against this stereotype. Now that he has been elected, the...