“Education, education, education.” New Labour’s old mantra rings hollow to English teacher Robert Anderson. This venerable warhorse stalks his classroom with the kind of “Dark sarcasm”...
After nearly 20 years in the business, Shonen Knife are still neither bored nor boring. The punk/pop band from Osaka has always been a trio, but there have been quite a few lineup changes over the...
Hi guys! If you like our stuff and would like to see us live long and prosper - please donate! Billed as one of the television events of the year, “This Is England '86” feels more like a chance...
Helena Andrews’ Bitch is the New Black has been optioned as a movie. Which it feels more like to me in any case, in so much that a movie can be satisfying with little tidbits of revelation, music...
If it weren’t for a small test audience in the early 80s, I probably wouldn’t be writing this review now. Why’s that, you ask? Well settle back and I’ll tell you a story… For those of you...
At the end of “28 Weeks Later”, the screaming British zombies surged through the channel tunnel to upset the Parisians with lack of fashion sense, inadequate language skills (RARGGGHHH) and...
It's one of the inevitabilities of music criticism that eventually, someone somewhere declares a formerly beloved genre dead. The movement usually goes something like: underground from first...
Everything you loved or hated about San Diego Comic-Con seemed to get bigger this year: the lines, the parties, the announcements. But now that the post-event ennui (or #connui, as it was quickly...
Jacques Barzun once wrote, “Tennis belongs to the individualistic past--a hero, or at most a pair of friends or lovers, against the world.” “30 love” reveals the tennis professional as...
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Monchel Pridget, and I am a Mad Men fanatic. I thoroughly enjoy the show and its engrossing characters, even though the show is a rampant celebration of the...