Writer/director Conor McPherson’s “The Eclipse,” based on a short story by Billy Roche, is a bittersweet romance with a gothic horror twist set in a sleepy Irish seaside town. The film...
“My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name Susie. I was fourteen years old when I was murdered on December 16th, 1973. I wasn’t gone. I was alive in my own perfect world. But in my heart, I...
Believe it or not, there is an upside to mourning “The Sopranos.” Like a heroin addict trying to kick the smack, you look for a methadone replacement amongst the countless DVD box sets. At the...
Dalston weirdo Tony Benson is the host with the most. Come and relax in his bachelor pad after a hard day mooching, trying to score smack. Been to the local gay trance night at the “Joiner’s...
John Mayer is no stranger to controversy. In various interviews and on Twitter, he has made comments that many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic. Mayer is a musician, and as such, we...
Polysics are Japan’s answer to Devo. Weird, experimental, blending elements of pop, punk, rock, and New Wave into a stew that’s definitively Polysics, they’re fun and totally unique. With...
Director Martin Campbell has twice brought the Bond franchise back from the dead with “Goldeneye” and “Casino Royale,” so who better than the man who saved 007 to resurrect Mel Gibson’s...
I can’t decide whether Red Riding is the greatest movie trilogy since Satyajit Ray’s Apu films or simply the smoothest job of making three episodes fit together seamlessly while also working as...
“Big Love,” which airs Sunday nights on HBO, is the story of a family trying to follow The Principle (i.e fundamentalist Mormon beliefs) in modern-day Utah. Because "Big Love" centers on a...
The house lights come up. The stage lights flash for effect. The ten-piece band kicks into high gear and strikes up an ebullient major-key melody. The genteel seated crowd of about a thousand claps...