At the end of each season of "Survivor," the power shifts to the jury, which is filled with castaways that have been eliminated. Their votes determine who gets selected as the winner of the game. At...
Despite the odds, the Foa Foa four managed to outwit Galu and they are now in charge of the game. Unlike Galu, they stood by each other. As they head into the final days, the question is: at what...
We have lived long enough to witness the second coming of JC. No, not that one. The one with the shorter beard. James Cameron, that is. He can’t walk on water, but he’s bringing us the next best...
"Smoking or non-smoking?” Is throwaway line by Hudson in “Aliens,” and one that is redundant in today’s homogenized society. Back in 1986, the future still reeked of fag butts and cancer. The...
December 4th - 6th at Butlins in Minehead. The rumble begins somewhere around my front teeth. The rattle in my mouth is the kind of sensation I imagine I'd get if I held myself up during an...
On day thirty, power had clearly gotten to Russell’s head. He decided to tell Mick that he owns an oil company in Houston, which netted him 1.7 million dollars last year. Earlier in the game, if...
Toshiya, bassist for Japanese alt rock phenomenon Dir en grey, isn’t interviewed very often, but we got a chance to catch up with him during their recent American tour and found him smart,...
This week, “Survivor” returned after a short hiatus for Thanksgiving. After convincing Shambo to vote with them at the last tribal council, the Foa Foa four found themselves in the lead. The...
The 00s were a decade fraught with fear. They began with the millennium bug and ended with the growing debacle in Afghanistan. Like a downbeat Hollywood franchise played out over countless movies,...
"Precious," based on the novel Push by Sapphire, tells the tale of Claireece "Precious" Jones, an illiterate, dark skinned, fat, Black teenager who is a survivor of physical, emotional and sexual...