And welcome to the 1980s! Unlike most of the other big Christmas hits, I have never met anyone who doesn't like this song - it seems to be universally accepted as a Christmas classic. In fact, one...
Chris Rea was one of the voices of my childhood. Every summer we used to make the drive from Birmingham up to Sunderland to visit my grandparents and one of the albums that we used to listen to in...
Today's entry on our musical advent calendar takes us back to 1973 and has been a perennial favourite ever since. It's definitely one of the most beloved Christmas songs of my childhood, and...
Behind the door of today's advent calendar lie two entries for the price of one, like when you open the door and get two chocolates, or bite into your KitKat and get solid chocolate with no wafer....
Today's calendar selection seems, at first listen, to be a song about two lovers separated by a distance of 2000 rather snowy miles. Possibly not their finest work in terms of lyrics ('2000 miles is...
I am going to come right out with this - I love this song. I think it’s one of the best Christmas songs ever. However, I’m aware that it gets a massive bashing every year and is, for some reason,...
Jona Lewie's protest song Stop The Cavalry has become a Christmas staple and takes us back to a less chirpy Christmas theme, but is nonetheless a Christmas classic of its own with an important...
It’s the 70s. A small Mediterranean country of a historic past and turbulent present is undergoing an economic miracle. Greece’s economy is thriving, industries are springing like mushrooms, and...
I have to admit that today’s advent selection has always baffled me slightly. It’s a great song, but why is it quite as popular as it is? It often tops those rather inane surveys of the best...
You might be forgiven for thinking that this song is the most depressing Christmas song of all time, but I think it’s actually incredibly tongue in cheek. Sung in Mud’s trademark Elvis pastiche,...