In Changing the Game, a documentary directed by Michael Barnett, we meet Mack, Sarah and Andraya, teenagers who are excelling at the sports they love. They train and compete and train and compete...
Priest, the 1994 film written by Jimmy McGovern and directed by Antonia Bird, meant a lot to me as a young adult trying to emerge from Roman Catholicism into a place where I could be ok with being...
It’s Pride month! It is a time for queer people of all stripes, everyone who comes under the LGBTQ+ umbrella – gay, bi, pan, asexual, trans, trans man, trans woman, non binary, and all the other...
Sergey Katsuba, University College Dublin Just over three decades after Russia decriminalised homosexuality in 1993, three people have been arrested and charged under the country’s harsh new...
“Past and present collide when an Iranian American trans man time-travels through an LGBTQ+ archive on a dizzying and erotic quest to unravel his own sexual desires” reads the synopsis for Jules...
Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Cupid's Arrow Sum up your podcast in three...
Perhaps the most unnervingly unexpected film I stumbled upon in 2023, Monica Villamizar and Jordan Bryon’s Transition follows co-director Bryon, a veteran Australian journo granted exclusive...
For me, one of the hands down highlights of 2023 was the Copenhagen International Documentary Festival’s Inter:Active exhibition, which featured the ballsy theme “Breaking the Code.” Expertly...
The National Bolivarian Police raided a club for the LGBT community in Venezuela without a warrant on July 23, after allegedly receiving an anonymous call about noise pollution. Thirty-three men were...
Some people never seem to rest in their attempts to stop young people from knowing that queer people exist. And contrary to popular belief, this is not just a US-based problem in the West - and even...