American exceptionalism — the idea that the United States is unique among all other nations — gets a bad rap nowadays. Ever since we elected a sentient wig to the White House (where else would...
To Vasily, prominent economist, I wanted to ask you about China’s investment strategies in various countries, because I had a theory that the same strategies will be applied to Russia now...
The Russians are coming. While people in Ukraine have been literally screaming that for a while now (with good reason), Americans have recently begun to wake up to the possibility, now that the...
As reported on, Sony’s Ghostbusters opened this weekend to a slew of empty seats in empty theaters, taking in an impressive $46 million dollars from the men of various...
The first hour of the workday when you’re not quite awake yet: Having to deal with the one person in the office who’s a total “morning person” during that first hour (or at any time in the...
Here's something to brighten your Sunday - a tumblr of animals sitting on the large South American rodent the capybara. The internet needs no reason for this, it simply is. You can find it here.
Women Against Feminism is a tumblr that's gathered a lot of attention lately, with young women posting selfies with messages about why they don't need feminism. This being the internet, a response...
There are a lot of things to love about three-day holiday weekends, especially during the summer—spending time outside (or inside if you live in a place that gets triple-digit temperatures in...
The summer season is finally here for many of us, and with higher temperatures come those special things that you can only do when it’s extremely hot outside. Whether you’re planning to eat foods...
Waking up in the morning… and realizing that you’re in the middle of a giant pool of sweat: Trying to take a shower and being unable to handle warm water: Drying off, only to find yourself...