While all human beings are currently threatened by COVID-19, it is true to say that there is more vulnerability in certain populations. How can those who do not have food or a safe place to live stay...
The problems in Venezuela in recent years have covered all sectors, with periodic relief that has allowed the population to take occasional breaths. The South American country closed the millennium...
Trundling across Warsaw’s freezing streets and packed tight with weary passengers, the MPP bus looks just like any other in the city. The interior resembles that of all Warsaw’s buses; there’s...
It is Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving when shops offer huge discounts to shoppers who are ready to face their Christmas shopping. A few years ago, those of us in the UK or Australia didn’t...
This week, the Conservative government declared another General Election, to be held in December, which they hope they will win and which, if they do, they will take as a mandate to force Brexit...