Today we associate the veil strictly with the Muslim faith, forgetting that it has a rich tradition in Christian theology as well. After all, I Corinthians 11, verse 5 states: But every woman that...
France, like most Western countries, prides itself on individual freedoms. It has a long history of dissent and uprising when these norms are threatened or minimized in anyway. Immigrants change...
The ability to choose is paramount to the freedom and autonomy of women globally. Patriarchy has invested much in ensuring that women have reduced opportunities and are penalized severely should they...
It is public knowledge that the Catholic Church ruled the roost in Ireland. The Church's education system was harsh and children in school were beaten. The allegations of child sexual abuse were...
Canada has a history of racism and violence against its Indigenous peoples. In the name of conquest, the Canadian government, aided by the Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and United Church, forced...
Over the past several years, journalist and author Kathryn Joyce has been covering right-wing Christian pro-fertility sects in the US. Now she compiles her findings in her new book, Quiverfull:...
We live in a heterosexist society that largely creates homosexuality as deviant to maintain its undeserved privilege. All of the agents of socialization are dedicated to promoting this imbalance of...
Bountiful, British Columbia is one of Canada’s national shames. For over 60 years a polygamist compound has been in existence with full knowledge of Canadian authorities. Young girls are regularly...
Every time I visit a supermarket or a mall to buy something, I come away with a sense of guilt because invariably I am holding a plastic carry bag like a dead rabbit. I say dead rabbit because a...
Suffering has an uncanny fondness for poverty; it seeks and locates people living on the brink of survival only to push them further towards the precipice. In a place where reaching adulthood through...