The 'true crime' phenomenon seems unstoppable on the HBO platform. Shortly after launching We own this City and Tokyo Vice, HBO Max has surprised us with the series The Staircase, another show...
On its surface, Mind Over Murder - the titillatingly titled six-part doc series that debuted June 20 on HBO - might seem merely the latest addition to a bloated, true-crime juggernaut. And yet in the...
Matt Weaver, University of Portsmouth Disney-Pixar’s latest animated escapade is about to hit our cinema screens. It’s the origin story of one of their most beloved characters – Toy Story’s...
The collective eyes of the cinema-going public may be held aloft (quite rightly) watching Tom Cruise fly jets for real in Top Gun: Maverick but another, more caustic film has made its way onto VOD...
The South Korean series Juvenile Justice has become one of Netflix’s most popular non-English-language titles. It is an insightful legal drama that raises important ethical questions about the...
Juliet Bashore’s Kamikaze Hearts, originally released in 1986 and now set to screen in a new 2K restoration by the UCLA Film & Television Archive (May 13 in NYC at BAM and May 20 in LA at...
No one should feel sorry for Michael Bay. Let’s get that straight from the off. His sledgehammer blockbusters have grossed close to 8 billion dollars so he should be set for a rainy day. His five...
Many years ago, during my BFI film journalism course, Nick James, the former editor of Sight & Sound told my class that it was impossible to watch every film released and the sooner we realised...
Peacemaker made his big screen debut in 2021, as one of the antiheroes in the film The Suicide Squad. Months later, the vigilante returns with his own web TV series, directed by James Gunn. This...
If God loves a trier then He must fucking worship Mikey ‘Saber’ Davies in Sean Baker’s latest movie Red Rocket. He’s a handsome, charming, reprehensible douchebag, a spray-and-pray asshole...