“New York is a dysfunctional relationship itself,” a woman laments in Pacho Velez’s Searchers, a cinematic sociological study of online dating via the POV of a wide range of New Yorkers during...
Netflix released Selena: The Series on December 4, 2020. The show is a retelling of the life of famous Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla and her family. Born in Texas in 1971, Quintanilla entered the...
What were you doing in the summer of 1995? The UK was buoyant, just two years away from New Labour’s landslide victory, casting off the yoke of a generation of Tory rule. Tony Blair was leader of...
The male gaze reversed. Our faces screwed up close in crotch shots of men gyrating, dressed in a smart casual nightmare, you know the kind of shit clothes bought for men by their wives or girlfriends...
What is it that makes a slight, inconsequential movie like “The Kid Detective” tap on your bedroom windows to keep you awake at night thinking about it? It’s a shaggy dog story of sorts about...
Director Ben Wheatley doth protest too much. He may want to play down any comparison to Alfred Hitchcock’s 1940 version of, “Rebecca”, but the parallels are too great to ignore. Both rotund,...
Cinema is an industry that investors think is about returning money. It does not matter to them whether the protagonist is female or male, what matters to them is the audience that pays to watch the...
In a parallel universe, ”Antebellum” could feature as a perverse reboot of “Charlie’s Angels.” Picture Janelle Monáe’s ultra-confident, Afrofuturist, 21st century sociologist / yoga...
With the summer theatrical blockbuster now a remnant of the pre-pandemic past, streaming services of every corporate stripe have rushed in to fill the void. And since the true crime genre has long...
When Spike Lee took over directorial duties from his friend and mentor Martin Scorsese, his intention for “Clockers” was to put the, “final nail in the coffin” of the Hood genre, the cycle of...