Since my father died, I will occasionally sit down and re-watch some of his favorite movies (and usually force my son to do so as well. He complains about everything being “vintage,” but he...
There are experiences in movie theaters that are magical. IF (Imaginary Friends) gave me one of those. From the very first minute, you know you're in front of a story that will stay with you and...
Late in I Saw the TV Glow, Owen — physically diminished, wracked with chronic asthma — still works in a family entertainment centre, all ball pits and insincerity. Owen is peripheral, a flicker...
Of all the stupid things I regularly do to myself in the name of morbid curiosity, watching House of the Dragon is definitely up there. Considering how pathetically Game of Thrones ended, you’d...
By all accounts, this will be another busy month of new titles and returning hits. Whether you're looking for a hilarious comedy, an intense drama, or a mysterious thriller, July boasts one of the...
Saturday, June 22 marks four decades since the first The Karate Kid movie hit theaters and won the hearts of incredibly loyal audiences. While the 1980s were characterized by major martial arts...
Dearest gentle reader, I have a confession to make: I love Bridgerton. Bridgerton is the television equivalent of a macaron. Although it’s billed as a “historical romance,” we all know what...
How do you assail the unassailable? Conquer the unconquerable? Deny the undeniable? Nine summers ago, George Miller unleashed Mad Max: Fury Road and demolished the audience in a firestorm of steel...
“Everything has to burn, so that we live in the future not in the past.” These words come not from the Kremlin but from the elderly mother of filmmaker Svitlana Lishchynska, one of the four...
We have already entered the second half of 2024 and thankfully there are still great movies heading to theaters and streaming services. Whether you're looking for a scary psychological mystery like...