Global Comment

Worldwide voices on arts and culture

LISTEN: Something Special #8

Every Monday on Global Comment, we share Something Special you don’t want to miss. To fit with the six core pillars of the magazine, these will alternate between the themes of watch / listen / read / see / taste / place.

It will be something different every week, but it will always be about something worth seeing, hearing or watching, or a place worth visiting or a food worth tasting.

This week, in case you haven’t been crying enough at Hi Ren, I want to introduce you to Lucy Spraggan, if you don’t know her already. She’s a British singer-songwriter who flew to fame on The X Factor, but had already been gigging professionally for some time by then.

This, Tea and Toast, is from one of her X Factor auditions.

And if you want more Lucy Spraggan, she’s everywhere, but Spotify is a decent place to start.


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