Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Quotable: a Female Millennial Entrepreneur Podcast
Sum up your podcast in three sentences
‘Quotable: a female millennial entrepreneur podcast’ is a show by and for female entrepreneurs who are looking to learn, grow, and be inspired by other women in business. Episodes alternate between guest interviews and solo business topics that mainly focus on PR strategy and tactics, since as the host my background is in PR and I own a PR agency and think it’s an easy enough skill to implement on your own and can skyrocket the success of a brand.
The podcast aims to provide immediate inspiration and actionable tips that you can implement every week to move forward in your business, while also forming a sense of community among business owners.
Who is your ideal listener? Who loves your show?

Our ideal listener is a go-getter woman who is starting or running a successful business and is always looking for more inspiration. People who love my show like to take action and get inspired by the success of others—they’re the women who believe in collaboration over competition and know that we can all win.
What made you start this podcast?
I initially started an in-person networking group for female millennial entrepreneurs in Boston, where I live, when I was young and still in the first few years of business and finding it lonely. When I was in my early 20s I didn’t know any other women my age who owned a business, and wanted to just connect and talk with others.
One of the first episodes of the podcast (I think the very first one) goes into this whole story, but essentially, once I started to find this in-person group and see how valuable and useful the conversations we were having were to each other, I wanted to share them wider, so the idea of this podcast was born.
I loved that it would allow me to have conversations with way more women, from all around the country and the world, and also let way more women who may not otherwise have this support system be able to listen in and take part.
What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?
I have learned so much from every single woman I’ve talked to. I’ve learned that we all deal with the same issues, struggles, and joys, and that I’m not alone in running my business.
Even women like me, with no prior business experience, are doing incredible things and are capable of literally anything they imagine or dream about. I’ve learned that the people who succeed are just the ones who never give up, and keep trying out new ways of making it work until it does.
What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?
I have found it to be really amazing. I love getting to talk to people with interesting businesses different from anything I personally know much about. I love having the ‘excuse’ to reach out to someone I admire or think is doing inspiring things and ask them to have a conversation with me. I have found so much common ground between all of us too though, that there are some bits of advice that we all wish we had, and there are a few things that almost every guest I’ve had attributes success to.
The only thing I don’t like about the actual process is the editing, because I personally am a little too impatient for it and just want the episode to be perfect and ready for release immediately without any more effort on my part. But I discovered this early on and have had someone else do the editing for me for years, so it’s not an issue for me!
If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?
I would say people should start with an interview, and with a solo episode, because they’re pretty different and one style may resonate more with someone than the other and that’s fine.
A great interview to start with may be Haley Pavone because she is so inspiring and fun, and a solo that seems to be resonating with people is one on Authenticity in PR which is episode 85. Episode 59 on How to Find Media Contact Info is also a great peek into some of the really actionable tips I include in the solos, but it’s from before we rebranded the company and podcast, so don’t be confused by the different intro!
Which other podcasts do you love listening to?
My top three are probably The BossBabe Podcast, Boss Mom Podcast, and The Goal Digger Podcast. I also listen to a ton of children’s focused podcasts, because my son loves to hear stories in the car, so we listen to Stories Podcast, and The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian every single day. We’ve also listened to all the Gen-Z Media Podcasts, which are amazingly produced stories series’ that I enjoy listening to as much as he does. If you have kids, those podcasts are incredible.
If people want to find you online, where can they do so?
My website is quotablemediaco.com, and there’s a page for all the podcast episodes there, as well as a page for our magazine, Quotable Magazine, which is similarly focused on female entrepreneurship and goes into even more articles along the same lines as the podcast. This link will take you directly to the podcast in whatever player you use for subscribing: https://link.chtbl.com/fmepodcast.
You can also find me on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Read the rest of our Podcast Showcases here and find your new listening addiction from among our features!
Do you have a podcast that could be showcased in this spot? Email editor@globalcomment.com with more details.
Image credit: Matt Botsford