Global Comment

Where the world thinks out loud

The web’s top three #118

Every Monday on Global Comment, we share the slow, thoughtful, considerate words that our brains – and souls – need but that it’s easy to miss in our busy world. We distil the best of the web and recommend just three links every week that you absolutely must see.

No fluff, no fuss, just three exceptional reads.

Here are this week’s recommendations:

Adults doubted us. We found a way to shrink emissions at our middle school anyway (Sonya Singh / The Guardian)

They should listen to the young people’s voices, because we’re the people who are going to be growing up with these problems. If you listen to young people, we can provide solutions that are going to help everyone in the long term.

Read more.

Brazilian rape victims who have abortions may face longer in jail than rapists (Diana Cariboni / openDemocracy)

But a new bill that Brazilian conservatives are attempting to push through seeks to declare all abortions performed after week 22 of the pregnancy as homicide – and punishable with prison terms of up to 20 years.

Rape carries a jail sentence of up to 10 years in Brazil, or up to 12 if serious physical violence is involved. This means a victim of sexual abuse who has a late abortion may serve twice as long in prison as their abuser, critics say.

Read more.

Behind the song (David Lowe)


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Image: @ S@ndrine