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7 disabled artists you should be following on Instagram

There are no rules in art, and people – when given the freedom – create what they want, or need, to create.

For disabled artists, sometimes that means making art about disability, disablism and exclusion, sometimes it means making art about their bodies and minds. Sometimes it’s art that talks about other intersectional issues, and sometimes has nothing to do with any of those things.

It’s whatever the artists feel called to create.

Here, we have some disabled artists whose work you should follow on Instagram. You see things from them that are beautiful, that take your breath away, that teach you things, and that make you think. As it should be.

Charlotte (@cwiz_art)

Charlotte (@cwiz_art) is a visually impaired artist and animator whose cartoon-style work is bright and colourful and full of cats. What more could you want?

Madalyn McLeod (@madalynmcleod)

Madalyn McLeod (@madalynmcleod) is a disabled artist whose work is full of ethereal line drawings of figures, all breathtakingly beautiful.

Phoebe Boag (@phoebsbodoodles)

Phoebe Boag (@phoebsbodoodles) is autistic and has severe ME. Phoebe shares intricate doodles, mostly in black and white but the occasional splash of colour is also a joy.

Eryn Alexander Rose (@erynalexanderr)

Eryn Alexander Rose (@erynalexanderr) is a “disabled queer art dork” tattoo artist who works mostly in black and grey and shares their tattoos and flash for us all to enjoy.

Sonny Fletcher (@cowsabungus)

Sonny Fletcher (@cowsabungus) is a children’s illustrator, comic artist and disability activist whose work is sometimes very disability focused, and sometimes very character focused.

Kayla Freeman (@rascalbabe08)

Kayla Freeman (@rascalbabe08) is a disabled artist who draws with her mouth, creating compelling line drawings.

Eric (@illuminatingals)

Eric (@illuminatingals) has ALS, and is creating portraits of others with the condition to raise awareness. They will all make up part of his large-scale goal, a piece of art called Flickering Souls: Illuminating ALS