“From now on, it is our task to suspect each and everyone amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.” This is one of many mysterious quotes found in...
The crisis in Libya, the hardships and trauma of Lebanon, the turmoils in Egypt. One sure thing about the Arab world is that it is never still. In this ever-changing cauldron of cultures, as well as...
Life for most individuals is hard. Life for a young boy in a refugee camp, struggling to support himself and his brother, is nearly impossible. Imagine waking up with a constant pang of hunger and...
“I made a promise to myself: I would always remember my parents’ wishes, but I would never forget myself.” This was only one of many powerful quotes within Amy Tan’s debut novel, The Joy...
I am an unabashed fan of Tori Amos. I have been a fan of hers for over 20 years now, and although I don’t self-identify as an EWF—Ears With Feet, her term for her fans—I’ve seen her in...
I have been fascinated by monsters from an early age. I can’t remember when it started, but at some point during my childhood, I began to think that vampires, phantoms (specifically, the Phantom of...
Writer, poet, performer, and author Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s published work—including the memoir Dirty River and poetry collections Bodymap, Love Cake, and Consensual Genocide—has...
First, a confession: I am not totally sure how to start this review. On its surface, the job of a book reviewer is simple: describe the book, perhaps situate it in some sort of context (genre,...
In December of 2017, I had an opportunity to review Welcome Home, a collection of short stories centered on adoption edited by Eric Smith. The stories collected here represent such a wide spectrum of...
For the past week and a half or so, I have been dealing with a shoulder/back injury that has cut my productivity down to the nub. I don’t know how I injured myself, so I suspect that this muscle...