The house lights come up. The stage lights flash for effect. The ten-piece band kicks into high gear and strikes up an ebullient major-key melody. The genteel seated crowd of about a thousand claps...
The opening 20 minutes or so of “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll” is like being in a fight on a bouncy castle; exhilarating, exhausting and leaving you with a dickie tum. The biopic of...
It starts with Kylie, Kylie and Doctor Who. Kylie is The Doctor; her former self died and a new model rose in its place. She's not the only one either. 00's music was a parade of regeneration - more...
December 4th - 6th at Butlins in Minehead. The rumble begins somewhere around my front teeth. The rattle in my mouth is the kind of sensation I imagine I'd get if I held myself up during an...
Toshiya, bassist for Japanese alt rock phenomenon Dir en grey, isn’t interviewed very often, but we got a chance to catch up with him during their recent American tour and found him smart,...
Award shows pull in viewers with “shocking” stunts on a rolling basis and the American Music Awards is no exception. On Sunday, former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert took the stage in all...
The subtle beauty of “Nowhere Boy” has to do with how it works on so many levels at once. Are you a Beatles or a Stones fan? Who was your favourite Beatle, John or Paul? Do you think John was a...
ZTT Records, Out Now. It is a disco at the dawn of the eighties. Pop, bombast and synths are swamping stereos and “Blue Monday” has already happened. GRID has been reclassified as AIDS – it's...
There's nothing new about record companies throwing their weight around. Since, Napster they have sought to control access to illegal music, encouraged by artists such as Metallica, who themselves...
Like many people, I came to politics—and writing about politics--through music. I discovered punk rock, and it led me to different ways of thinking about the world. Music has always been a way to...