Saturday, June 22 marks four decades since the first The Karate Kid movie hit theaters and won the hearts of incredibly loyal audiences. While the 1980s were characterized by major martial arts...
You probably woke up earlier this year with "Murder on the Dancefloor" stuck in your brain with no idea how it got there. If you were born last century, you'll recognize Sophie Ellis-Bextor's 2001...
How do you assail the unassailable? Conquer the unconquerable? Deny the undeniable? Nine summers ago, George Miller unleashed Mad Max: Fury Road and demolished the audience in a firestorm of steel...
“Everything has to burn, so that we live in the future not in the past.” These words come not from the Kremlin but from the elderly mother of filmmaker Svitlana Lishchynska, one of the four...
We have already entered the second half of 2024 and thankfully there are still great movies heading to theaters and streaming services. Whether you're looking for a scary psychological mystery like...
A vaginal crevice, deep in New Mexico, gives birth to the celestial night. The universe is woman born and beyond comprehension. We linger on the stars and their infinite stories before gliding back...
Summer vacations will soon be starting in some parts of the world and many parents struggle with planning their kids' free time. If you are one of them and want to have a list of good reading books...
June 2024 is packed with major television premieres. The most anticipated titles range from the new Star Wars series on Disney+, The Acolyte, to Apple TV's latest production Presumed Innocent, an...
Why does representation in books matter? This is something I have been wondering about for a long time, as I write Young Adult literature, primarily about disabled and queer teenagers, and am trying...
Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Midday Musings. Sum up your podcast in three...