When somebody leaves their country of origin due to danger or fear and seeks asylum — and makes a home — in a new part of the world, it is the responsibility of those in their new nation...
Recently I undertook a final year undergraduate class in political philosophy. The opening lecture commenced with a trailer from 1984 (1984). This film adaptation of George Orwell’s...
Vincent Chin promised his mother that this was the last time he’d be going out to the club. Before he left home, she told him not to say “last time” as it was bad luck. I suspect that...
For some young people, myself included, the name Alex Jones is not unfamiliar. He’s the guy from the gay juice-box video. In one of the most classic items in the Infowars canon, Jones...
Terror attacks in the West have over the years taken on a predictable response. Immediately, the internet runs wild with speculation – much of it wrong, much of it racist. If the perpetrator...
After the shooting of Representative Steve Scalise and four others on June 14th, Republican Representative Steve King was quoted by Boston Globe reporter Annie Linskey saying that violence in...
30 people have been confirmed dead following a massive fire in a block of flats in London, though it is impossible to believe that the final number of dead residents will be anything under...
On Wednesday morning, two very different incidents unfolded on opposite sides of the United States. In Virginia, a practice for the traditional Congressional Baseball Game was interrupted by a...
A wave of populist sentiment is sweeping the West, with large numbers of people angry and disaffected. The Trump and Brexit victories were political earthquakes that have been described as a...
The first General Election I was eligible to vote in was 1997, when Labour finally took power after 18 years of Tory rule, the majority of which was under Margaret Thatcher. It left me with...