The actress Ellen Page, known worldwide for the films Juno and Inception, recently released a documentary that she directed and produced to raise awareness of one of the problems faced by the...
I have been fascinated by monsters from an early age. I can’t remember when it started, but at some point during my childhood, I began to think that vampires, phantoms (specifically, the Phantom of...
Every year, around Thanksgiving, my mom updates me on her antique clock. If I make it home for Thanksgiving, she asks me daily, sometimes twice a day, “Has the clock chimed for you? You have to...
My mother never forced me to speak Cantonese. Despite spending the bulk of my childhood in Seattle and then Texas, my mother feared for my English. While she continued to speak to me in Cantonese...
Somewhere in London it stopped seeming like a coincidence anymore and started to feel like something I should pay attention to. “China Girl” haunted my steps from my arrival. It showed up on...
I looked at the spot where there stood an active train station fifty years ago. Today, this spot boasts a fence and a small park. How this town has changed, I thought silently. Even though I grew up...