The opening 20 minutes or so of “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll” is like being in a fight on a bouncy castle; exhilarating, exhausting and leaving you with a dickie tum. The biopic of...
Watching “44 Inch Chest” is like being stuck in a bad karaoke bar with a pissed up divorcee screeching through “Without You” before breaking down into a crumpled heap on stage. Imagine...
Another day, another apocalypse. This time it’s the turn of that sporadic directing team, the Hughes Brothers, to unleash the fire and brimstone upon the good ol' US of A. The instrument of their...
Sometimes movie gets it so right you want grab the screen by its imaginary collars and drag it passionately toward you. For a fleeting, transitory moment, the film is yours and yours alone; it’s...
When we watch post-apocalyptic fare like “Dawn Of The Dead” or the “Mad Max” trilogy, we all secretly wish we could be in that situation, just for a little bit. We come out of the cinema...
In 2019, vampires are the dominant species on the planet. Only 5% of the human population remains. Edward Dalton, a human sympathiser played by Ethan Hawke, works frantically to find a blood...
Charlie Sheen is currently the highest paid actor on television. With performances in movies like “Platoon”, “Wall Street” and “Cadence”, Sheen has long since established himself as an...
It starts with Kylie, Kylie and Doctor Who. Kylie is The Doctor; her former self died and a new model rose in its place. She's not the only one either. 00's music was a parade of regeneration - more...
Being a kid in the early 80s was tough. Thatcher’s Britain was like an amusement park that had failed a safety test -- it looked fun, but was really a potential death trap. Heroin “screwed you...
I understand that action movies don't usually promote social change or make us examine our daily lives. The one thing they reliably accomplish is stress-testing romantic relationships within the...