He seemed, at first glance, to be an ordinary-looking middle-aged man engrossed in the mental gymnastics required to properly compare the prices of different brands of cornflakes by weight. But as I...
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has released a report into the prosecution of sexual and domestic violence last year in the UK. The Violence Against Women and Girls Crime Report 2015-16 provides...
To go from “Je suis Charlie” to suing Charlie doesn’t really take much. The Italian town of Amatrice knows it well. After an earthquake that claimed 295 victims, the famously controversial...
Last week, you could have been forgiven for thinking that the only political activity going on in the UK was #traingate. The most important story in the news was about whether a man sat down on a...
At some point in the recent past, a roughly 60-year-old woman died in Southern California, and generously donated her body to science. 5,000 miles away, her body is about to be cut open for the...
It has been hard to escape the recent controversy surrounding the prohibition of modest Muslim swimwear in areas of coastal France. The ‘burkini ban’ has been implemented in towns including...
How representative is the electoral system of representative democracy? Evidence shows that voter turnout in established democracies has taken a slump since the '80s. Voter apathy is directly...
Yesterday, Queen Elizabeth invited Theresa May to become the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Our second female Prime Minister should perhaps be something to celebrate but, on its own, the fact that...
Yesterday, the UK voted to leave the European Union. Much of the analysis and commentary I saw the night before the vote was tentatively predicting a win for ‘remain’, and the betting shops were...
Last week, British Member of Parliament Jo Cox died after being kicked, stabbed and shot in the street following an advice surgery she had held for her constituents. The Labour MP for Batley and Spen...