On July 11, thousands of people took to the streets of Madrid to support the coal miners from the Northern Asturias region that had marched into the country’s capital to protest the reduction in...
Masterpiece Mystery is airing the latest series of Lewis over the month of July, something which has me tickled pink, because I adore UK police procedurals. Meanwhile, US crime shows continue to...
Downton Abbey is the best show on television this year, is it not? Or at least, it has the best frocks and hats on television at the moment (sorry Mad Men, you’re so whatever year it was that...
The UK has entered a lethal age of austerity, right in time for the 2012 Summer Olympics. As elite athletes from all over the world to descend upon London to compete in the most-watched sporting...
As awareness of autism spectrum disorders, such as Asperger’s syndrome, in adults increases, characters with autistic traits are becoming increasingly common in television and other media....
BBC’s Sherlock has just started running its second season in the US on PBS, and viewers are flocking to watch, particularly after last week’s somewhat controversial Irene Adler storyline. Created...
The biggest story to come out of this month’s Greek elections has been the 21 seats won by the neonazi party Golden Dawn (Chrysi Avgi.) Golden Dawn secured seven percent of the vote, with 750,000...
Companies often use shareholders as an excuse to justify their abuses of workers, the environment, and the general public. Boards and executives can hide behind the shareholder, deflecting the...
Two days ago on May 6th, Francois Hollande won the French Presidential election for the Socialist Party. Once a Presidential hopeful for the very same party, Dominique Strauss Kahn watched the...
The word “punk,” like the word “independent,” has been so oversold and misused it’s practically meaningless. So when a film bills itself as “the saga of the last true punk rock band in...