File this under either more evidence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a sleazeball who will never deliver peace to the Middle East, or as proof that Netanyahu’s hands are tied much more...
One might be forgiven for imagining that there is nothing new about an edition of unpublished work by J.R.R. Tolkien. Since his father's death in 1973, Christopher Tolkien has released The...
It is public knowledge that the Catholic Church ruled the roost in Ireland. The Church's education system was harsh and children in school were beaten. The allegations of child sexual abuse were...
A recent BBC programme, ‘The Trouble with Working Women,' aimed to explore the growing pay gap, managing motherhood and work (I say motherhood, as fathers were barely mentioned) and the problems...
One of the most endearing moments of Alexander Rybak's record-setting Eurovision win for Norway tonight came when the performer of the charming "Fairytale" alternatively gushed in both Norwegian and...
"Inside Chernobyl," an exhibition by photographer and Fulbright scholar Michael Forster Rothbart, recently made its debut in Kyiv, and will be making its way to such places as Moscow and Washington...
Three months ago, an authoritative Russian daily, Izvestia, began a series on an issue that, at first glance, looks like tabloid fodder. Of course, Izvestia is no tabloid, and this is no ordinary...
The following review contains spoilers. Of course, if you are familiar with Nikolai Gogol, you probably know how the film ends. If you are not familiar with Nikolai Gogol, you should be. When I...
“Grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented” was how former Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Charles J Haughey described the discovery of a murderer hiding in the Attorney General's apartment...
The U.K. has a rape conviction rate of 6%. According to the Campaign to End Rape, in 2003/04 " ver two-thirds of cases dropped out at the police stage and did not make it as far as the courts", "...