In 2019, vampires are the dominant species on the planet. Only 5% of the human population remains. Edward Dalton, a human sympathiser played by Ethan Hawke, works frantically to find a blood...
Despite the advances of modern science, we live in a world that remains captivated by the occult. We have put a man on the moon, cured many diseases that were once deadly, and live in a time of such...
There's a moment in "New Moon," the new film sequel to "Twilight," the vampire teen romance, that perfectly explains the appeal of this series. It's between human Bella Swan, played by a thin and...
If we’re afraid we’re going to fail at something, then we’ll do anything to procrastinate. I'm convinced that it’s because we simply don’t want to contemplate the idea of failure until we...
Gamers and fantasy fans are often maligned as freaks and geeks, but they also foster close-knit communities that support each other and are wary of outsiders. Writer Ethan Gilsdorf left the gaming...