We’re finally approaching the end of the party conference season and this week has seen the Conservative party conference in full flow. It made news when some young conservatives apparently did a...
According to Bureau of Justice statistics, an average of three women a day are murdered by a man who 'loves them'. It doesn't feel like a stretch, if one is venturing to make a suggestion on...
It’s been a tough week for rape and sexual assault survivors across the world. The media, even on this side of the pond, is overwhelmed by coverage of the extraordinary Christine Blasey Ford...
The recent #MeToo years have made me wonder why the sexual assaults I experienced as a teen didn’t have much impact on my life. At first I chalked it up to my own resilience – though now I’ve...
On the 7th September 2018, Mac Miller (real name Malcolm James McCormick) was found dead of a suspected drug overdose in his LA apartment at the tender age of 26. A respected and talented rapper,...
Being an inpatient in a hospital can be a lonely and frightening time. You are so ill that you can’t stay at home and you are separated from those who love and care for you – visiting hours are...
People make a lot of assumptions when they see a fat person. It’s somebody lazy and greedy, surely. Somebody with no self-respect. When that fat person is also disabled, the assumptions triple, at...
Two weeks ago, Ireland made the historic decision to repeal its 8th amendment, which had previously outlawed abortion by giving a foetus an equal right to life as the person carrying it. By a...
I was a pretty sensitive child, so when I heard that babies were being murdered in their thousands, and that this was absolutely legal, I was horrified. Murdering babies couldn’t possibly be...
Until this week, many people had never heard of “incels”, a term short for “involuntary celibates” that describes a certain kind of man. It’s a man who has never had sex, or who has trouble...