Syria's refugee crisis is nothing new. It has been a serious humanitarian crisis for about four years now and it has only been getting worse. Throngs of Syrians fleeing a very destructive and...
Homeland, now in its fifth season on Showtime, attracted global headlines this weekend for an entirely unintentional reason — it wasn’t plot twists and characterisation the public wanted to talk...
Many lengthy in-depth discussions about the Middle East today revolve around the future of Iraq and Syria with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict barely getting, if lucky, a passing mention at best. So...
Hundreds of people gathering in the centre of the Turkish capital of Ankara to hold a peace rally were just targeted in a bomb attack. Two powerful explosions killed at least 86 of those gathered and...
As Russia’s airstrikes begin to take hold, and Russian/Syrian coordinated ground attacks against the non-ISIS rebels continue, the battle lines in the post Sykes-Picot Middle East are starting to...
Recently, Russia has made a number of aggressive foreign policy decisions in Syria. When looking in depth, it becomes apparent that these newly assertive moves have the opportunity to generate...
You know the Middle East is horrendously chaotic when a war which has cost over 2000 lives and, according to the United Nations, left over 6.5 million people at risk of starvation and most of a...
It's worth noting that the entrance of the term, and indeed concept, of 'humanitarian intervention' into the general lexicon was a mere quarter-century ago. In the aftermath of the 1991 Persian Gulf...
The late King of Morocco Hassan II had a stylistic audacity equaled by no monarch and was just as eloquent with metaphors. He wore all the colours of the rainbow and used to compare his country to a...
“Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!” So said the former...