On Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that Israeli and Palestinian leaders had agreed for the first time in three years to meet for “Peace Talks” in Washington, DC. "I am pleased...
On the night of July 3, exactly 48 hours after General Abdul Fatah Sisi of the Special Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) gave President Morsi an ultimatum—either he listen to the demands of the...
Judging from Twitter, Egypt is in complete chaos. Online, protesters in the square tweeted pictures of a Tahrir Square that resembled the first, triumphant images of the Arab Spring and shared...
On Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan climbed onto a bus in Ankara, Turkey in front of a crowd of raging protesters and warned that his patience with the protests—that are now in...
Among the world's Jews, a gender war looms at Judaism’s holiest site. The Women of the Wall are a group of Jewish women who have been holding monthly services at the Kotel, the Western Wall, in...
“Free, Free Palestine!” I used to lead the chants at protests as a teenager, but I was never entirely sure of what they meant. Of course, I knew my history. I knew that in 1948 the state of...
Slavoj Zizek, The Year of Dreaming Dangerously, Verso, 2012. The work of Slavoj Zizek is by now a genre of critical theory in itself, complete with its own distinctive characteristics. These include:...
When I heard that two bombs had exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, my heart sank. Please, please don’t be an Arab-American. Please, please don’t be one of us. I know this isn’t...
What just happened? First, President Barack Obama landed in Tel Aviv—he stepped onto the tarmac, said “Shalom” and the crowd went wild. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers saluted him and...
Judith Butler, Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism. Columbia UP, 2013 Having made her name in the early 90s with Gender Trouble, a densely-written look at the ways in which gender is...