The Star Destroyer is poised over the holy city of Jedha like a dagger through the heart of the Force. The Empire needs Kyber crystals to power the newly constructed Death Star to, “Commence...
Zombies are the allegorical gift to global cinema that keeps on giving. They are in perpetual motion, always shambling or racing forward, the unread children of progress heralding the new world order...
Premiering at this year’s Los Angeles Film Festival – and screening the upcoming Austin Film Festival on October 15th and 19th – Dr. Feelgood: Dealer or Healer? couldn’t be making the...
Sawubona. Ngikhona. This is a South African greeting from the Zulu tribe, which roughly translated means “I see you” (Sawubona), I am here (Ngikhona). A deeper meaning to this greeting however,...
Based on Eric Schlosser’s book of the same name, Command and Control marks the second time Peabody and Emmy-winning director Robert Kenner has worked with the NY Times bestselling author – the...
At some point in the recent past, a roughly 60-year-old woman died in Southern California, and generously donated her body to science. 5,000 miles away, her body is about to be cut open for the...
Imperium not only sideswipes you with its opening liberal quotation, but then sits you in the back of a car with Harry Potter dressed as an FBI agent. He waits nervously for a white van to deliver a...
Jeff Feuerzeig’s Sundance-premiering documentary Author: The JT LeRoy Story delves into the strange and winding tale of how a San Francisco musician and phone sex operator by the name of Laura...
Last year, the future arrived. At least, the future as predicted by Back to the Future Part II. And for the most part, it was pretty accurate. We now have video messaging, high quality pocket-sized...
Though Susan Sarandon likely has never heard of Angie Rowntree, for fans of female-focused porn she’s a household name. A longtime adult filmmaker (as is her husband Colin), Rowntree is the mind...