Making the hop from film to television seems to be increasingly common these days, so it’s no great surprise to see Halle Berry headlining CBS’s latest sci-fi offering, Extant. The show premiered...
With a rise in interest in sweeping historical dramas filled with intrigue, betrayal, amazing frocks, and sensuality, it’s not surprising to see almost every US network vying to produce some...
More than 40 years after Roe v Wade, how is abortion still a taboo subject on television? Most networks dance around it as though they’re afraid the world will collapse if abortion is discussed,...
What if in this age of austerity all the modernist homes of the urban intelligentsia were actually spacecraft? What if these chameleon constructs were housing the agents of bourgeois gentrification?...
Critics are raving about the season finale of Fargo, which just aired on FX. The reimagining of the famous Coen brothers film turned it into a 10 hour miniseries that aimed to find the perfect...
While there seems to be no shortage of cursory stories from the front lines of recent Middle Eastern conflicts, filmmakers Rachel Beth Anderson and Tim Grucza have decided to dig deeper. During the...
During the first episode of the new reality tv series by Lifetime, Little Women, one of the women being followed throughout the show exclaims "We all see life from the same perspective!" and laughs....
Everyone’s watching the latest season of Orange is the New Black, but what does that really say about US culture and society? As the thinkpieces roll out, fans fill Twitter, and roundtable...
MasterChef is back on Fox for a fifth season of Gordon Ramsey’s yelling, Joe Bastianich’s devastating snark, and Graham Elliot’s kindly, but firm, criticism. We’re watching home cooks from...
Before the Internet stole our ability to dream, school kids looked in wonder through the pages of beautifully illustrated textbooks, littered with hundreds of scientific predictions by 1970s...