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Podcast Showcase: Let’s Talk About Sects

Let's Talk About Sects podcast host Sarah

Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Let’s Talk About Sects

Sum up your podcast in three sentences

Let’s Talk About Sects is a podcast about cults around the world. We look at a different cult each episode, examining its leadership, formation, and member experiences. Episodes regularly feature interviews with survivors who share their stories to help others recognise the warning signs.

Who is your ideal listener? Who loves your show?

Let's Talk About Sects
Let’s Talk About Sects

The LTAS audience is varied, but women of 25-34 years old make up its largest proportion. They are smart, empathetic, and interested in human dynamics.

Listeners are all around the world, but a third of them are in the USA, and half in Australia.

What made you start this podcast?

Like many people, I had a real fascination with cults from the outset. How is it that these groups replicate across our societies, no matter their cultural make-up? Are the ways they interact innate to human nature?

These questions drove the creation of LTAS, but as the project developed, it was survivor experiences that really motivated its continuation.

What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?

Speaking with many people who had direct experience in cults, and generously shared their stories in order to try to help others, really opened my eyes to how ubiquitous high-demand groups are. These stories made me realise the extent of the damage being wrought upon individuals and families and how few avenues are open to them to help build a life after leaving.

What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?

Podcasting can be a lonely endeavour, but one of the most lovely things is the independent podcasting community. There’s a lot of support to be found amongst those who are also trying to do everything themselves, and everyone is so open to sharing what they’ve learned and celebrating each other’s wins.

I have a background in film production, so audio editing was both an easy and a hard transition to make. I think I had some good basic understanding of how to get good sound, the importance of music, and that kind of thing. But editing visuals is quite different to editing only what you can hear!

The audio editing process is long and involved because it’s tricky to jump around to where you want to go, and finding a good editor has made a big difference to my process.

If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?

Like many people, I feel that my podcast has improved over time as I’ve learned more about what makes a good episode. I changed a few things around, like using voice actors (I did that at the start, but don’t do it anymore) and trying different audio tools. So I’d generally recommend starting with a more recent episode before going into the back catalogue!

I know some people like to start with the more well-known groups like NXIVM or the Branch Davidians, but I think some of the smaller, less notorious groups show totally different aspects of how cults operate. Zendik Farm, which was a polyamorous, organic farming commune, or Fire This Time, a radical Canadian socialist group, could be really interesting places to start.

Which other podcasts do you love listening to?

I’m a big fan of Swindled, Heavyweight, and The Dream. This is Actually Happening is always fascinating. Conspirituality and IndoctriNation are good ones for people who are interested in cults as well.

If people want to find you online, where can they do so?

Find everything LTAS at, and I’m also at

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Image credit: Let’s Talk About Sects